Simon Blume Katalog

Artists` book by Simon Blume   Edition: 100 copies, handsigned each copy comes with an original gesso printed cover 44 pages, color, 18x24 cm Price: 35 €* + ...

Welcome Stranger

Interactive pdf book for artist Hege Dons Samset It will take you through Hege`s solo exhibition at the Frappant gallery in Hamburg in 2013 and you can explore Hege`s  ...

Pirates Gold - Künstlerbuch von Maria Bajt

Pirate`s Gold

Artists` book by Maria Bajt on occasion of the solo show „Pirate`s Gold“, curated by Björn Springfeldt and Astrid Sylwan. Olle Nymans Ateljé, Saltsjö-Duvnäs, ...

Frau Maus macht Paradies

Artists` book Text: Hanna Slak, Illustrations: Maria Bajt, Graphic/Colourconcept/Typeset: Antje Tschirner Edition: 100 copies, numbered and stamped Format: 225 * 315 mm, ...


Artists`book by Malte Nies Edition 50 copies, numbered and signed Format: 240 * 330 mm, 18 pages Large format black and white photographs on newsprint paper Price: ...


Artists`book by Malte Nies / Tobias Premper Edition 50 copies, numbered and signed Cover: cellulose fleece, sticker Inside pages: digital print and Japanese ...

Philipp Donald Goebel, Koeppe

Philipp Donald Göbel – Köppe Köppe Köppe

Künstlerbuch / Katalog von Philipp Donald GöbelAuflage 100 Stk. nummeriert und signiertCover: Fleisch- und WurstpapierInnenteil: Digitaldruck mit japanischer Bindung, je ...


Artists` book by Malte Nies / Tobias Premper Edition 50 copies, numbered and signed Cover: woodcut on carton Inside pages: woodcut on photoprint, folded Price: 25,00 ...

Der unmögliche Spaziergang

Buchprojekt von Malte Nies / Tobias Premper Auflage 50 Stück - nummeriert und signiert Cover: Barytfotokarton belichtet Innenteil: Digitaldruck, Text als Ausklapper auf ...